Seize the Brain!

Asymptomatic, a beautiful word for someone who knows chronic illness. Today is one of the few days in nearly seven years I woke up with energy, a respite from the daily fatigue that squashes my creativity and challenges my temperament. Today the word “asymptomatic” rolls off my tongue with ease, absent of my usual fear […]

River of Tranquility

Making a tough decision or facing a health trial can create chaos for the soul. Today I take a break from promoting health tips for encephalitis or health challenges and address the healing aspect of nature. The River of Tranquility Peace flowing over the silky rocks with a steady cadence. Rustling leaves guided through the gushing path. […]

How To Advocate for Yourself as a Patient

Whether your issue is neurological, a joint pain or a fussy big toe, you are your best advocate. You have the experiential information required. It’s not up to your doctor; it’s up to you. Take charge in the lack of diagnosis and perhaps you’ll benefit from the lessons I learned the hard way … Tip […]